Wednesday, November 25, 2009

If microsoft separated it's IE from windows?

before, netscape sued to microsoft, asked microsft to separated it's IE from windows system.

I'm confused, if microsoft separated IE from windows, how do we get other explorers such as netscape? if you want to use netscape, you must have a IE, then you visit netscape's website with IE and download it.

If microsoft separated it's IE from windows?microsoft updates

If IE was seperated, Netsacpe would still be in business and eveyone would be using a browser of thier choice. You see prior to all this controversy, browsers could be ordered from comanpies and thay shipped on CD-ROMs/Floppy disks just like all other software today, so there is no need to have IE to get netscape.

Besides netscape there are other browsers like Opera and Mozilla that are *far* more superiror to IE and offer btter features. It is possible to get rid of "IE" from Win98 using custom programs... but it will void your license.

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