Friday, November 27, 2009

Internet Explorer (IE) 7 Problems?

After I have IE7 open for awhile, opened and closed a bunch of tabs, IE 7 will not open any other tabs and won't allow me to right-click. To fix it I hvae to close IE and then open it and it works fine until it reaches the limit again.

Internet Explorer (IE) 7 Problems?windows xp themes

You can try this, it usually fixes most problems with IE7.

While the browser is open, Click on Tools/Internet Options and then Click on the Advanced Tab. At the bottom of this screen is a Reset button that will reset IE7 settings to default settings. Click the Reset button and click yes/Ok to any questions generated by the action and then click Ok to close Internet Options box. Close out the browser and reopen it. If the problem comes back after awhile then you can fall back to IE6 by going to Control Panel/Add Remove Programs and click on the Remove IE7 program. After the reboot from this action IE6 will, by default, be restored to your operating system and then you can navigate to the IE7 website and re-install it. This should fix the problem for sure. One thing to note though: IE7 is optimized for Windows XP SP2 and Vista so make sure your system meets the system requirements for running IE7 otherwise continue using IE6 or Netscape Navigator, or maybe as the other person suggested, try using FireFox. Hope this helps.

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sounds like its not releasing the memory when you close a tab.

have you tried firefox?
Could be a problem with the amount of memory you have in your PC. If this is OK, then IE7 can generally be sorted out by uninstalling it from the control panel and reinstalling it again.
Well if that isnt working download The new firefox 2007!

it works perfectly and ur more organized and its more safe for ur computer.
I had installed IE7, but I removed it after less than 24 hours. IE6 with Yahoo Tabs works fine for me, but, I prefer Firefox. Firefox has tabbed browsing, is more secure than IE, and there are some cool plug-ins that are free.

I only use IE for web sites that don't support Firefox.

It sounds as though even if you were to add RAM to your system, it would still fill up, but would just take a bit longer.

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