Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My IE explorer quit working my internet connection is good. I reinstalled and still not working.?

the ie explorer just quit working. I still receive dowloads on updates for XP but Ie Explorer will not display anything.

My IE explorer quit working my internet connection is good. I reinstalled and still not working.?windows xp professional

Use Firefox. IE is crap.

My IE explorer quit working my internet connection is good. I reinstalled and still not working.?windows xp home internet explorer

IE 7 is suggested for XP. IE sucks for XP. Mozilla is better for windows XP. its way better then EI 7 even.... seriously
What is not working about it? We can not help you until we know the problem.

Also consider using Firefox, it has everything IE has, except it is faster, more secure, and has free add-ons. IE has built in FTP filing, but it doesn't, it just uses file explorer, a program on all Windows machines (My Documents, My computer, etc). Firefox has a better one that is faster and is a free addon, fireFTP. Please just consider Firefox. Unless there is a reason to use IE, then I would switch over to Firefox xP
Get a free Mozilla Firefox browser. I've never had any problems since getting it. Had IE7 on XP but it kept crashing with it's hyper security settings I couldn't get around. Firefox has the tab functions and plenty of great features and runs java without hiccups. It's far superior to IE.
Try firefox or another browser.
You may be having a virus or spyware installed on your PC. Norton, AVG , Avast are free antivirus software. Ad-aware, Ewido are free spyware removers. You can download free softwares at and
Everyone is suggesting the OP get Firefox or Mozilla...but no one seems to realize that if IE isn't working, HE CAN'T DOWNLOAD EITHER ONE! *sigh* Without knowing more about your particular issue, I can only offer generalized advice. Run a virus scan; hopefully your antivirus software was up-to-date before you lost connectivity. (Can it still connect to the internet for updates?) Check for spyware. Also of potentially humongous importance: What are your firewall settings? It's remotely possible that you've locked yourself out of IE.

You say you "reinstalled"...what did you reinstall? Windows?

And to those who say IE is crap, well... *shrug* I've been using IE7 for some time now, and frankly, I miss IE6. Friendlier interface. With the general improvements made in IE7, the only thing Mozilla or Firefox have over IE is that they're not made by Microsoft. (The preceding is, of course, strictly my opinion.)

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