Sunday, November 29, 2009

IE browser window?

Besides the fact I'm sure I have adware/spyware on my computer, for some reason, whenever I open IE, it goes from my default page (I use "blank") it then switches to this addy Anyone know why, or what I can do to fix it??? What's the best anti-virus protect you can buy?

IE browser window?windows 2000

AVG Free anti-virus, and the updated version of Windows Defender is the best combo to combat viruses and spyware. Run those two applications and it should get rid of a good deal of it. The really good spyware is tough to clean off. If you are still having trouble with spyware after you run those, I would recommend a trustable computer technician. They would definitely be able to clean your PC for you. Good luck.

IE browser window?internet explorer internet explorer

Reinstall Internet Explorer or get the new Internet Explorer 7. It's no longer in beta version and it is so mich better than IE6.

Dont use IE7

dont contribute the monopoly and the bad quality products

Download Firefox 2. Faster Browsing, more security, simply better.
I recommend Norton Antivirus. Also, you can't stop the from popping up until you remove the adware. Norton Antivirus has spam blocking, e--mail scanning, spyware, adware, virus, worm, and trojan horse blockng and removal. You should have a virus protection program at ALL times, and keep it updated regularly.

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