Sunday, November 29, 2009

Firefox and IE the only browsers left?? They Forgot one!!?

There was a report in yahoo that firefox was the only browser left battling Internet Explorer, They forgot to mention the regular mozilla browser, and more importantly OPERA!! All are far superior to Microsofts IE, and never get much use simply because Microsoft doesn't bundle their competitors software with windows (Duh), and the fact that microsofts Active X platform is taking over sites like this (active x = spyware that is legal by the way) and firefox and opera dont readily accept these without extensions or add-ons (Explorer required a lot of these too, but downloads them in the background so you dont notice), which ARE available easily, you just have to click the button a couple of times! Anyhow, the question is, WILL YOU PEOPLE PLEASE GIVE FIREFOX OR OPERA A GOOD CHANCE? Download one or the other, you will love them once you get used to them. Firefox is a little more like IE now that MS has stolen their design, but Opera is a piece of art (Very Beautiful) Try them, please!

Firefox and IE the only browsers left?? They Forgot one!!?windows media player

Don't use IE, it would be a serious mistake to give MicroSoft total control of the Internet. I always use Mozilla Firefox! its better and safer from viruses too.

Firefox and IE the only browsers left?? They Forgot one!!?windows live messenger internet explorer

I love Opera too : D but I usually use FF seen as it flicks up on my screen in a second whereas Opera takes a little time.
I've been using Firefox for about 7mos now. Too many freeze ups with IE, so I gave Firefox a shot. Very happy with its performance.
i like firefox the best... simple but awesome UI. tried Opera but didn't like it very much.
these days even safari is turning out better than IE.. to be considered i fell.. and its cross platform too!
i love firefox!
I agree totally. I use a Mac so I use Camino as my browser, but on a PC, I would never use IE. It is a useless and dangerous tool. I trust Mozilla way more than IE. I also like Opera, but it's interface takes some getting used to. It is a matter of preference, and both Firefox and Opera are far superior to IE6 and even IE7. Opera is the most secure, you will need to get used to it though, it is different.
There are more web browsers out there than you can shake a stick at, most discussions involve the ones most commonly used. It's nice to see a plug for Opera, it is a good web browser also.

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