Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why get so fussed with YOUNG ie not 50 teachers 6th form ie over 16 student relationships. Some get

why get so fussed with YOUNG ie not 50 teachers 6th form ie over 16 student relationships. Some get married

Why if clearly consentual and the younger girl is head strong not a pushover.

Not treat it like any other one with a few ground rules.

They have to come clean and she has to change class

So he does not mark anything of hers and so she cant after say he seduced her when it was not true if they split up, or he cant demand favours or she offer them for grades.

Ie you remove the power relationship.

Plus if in the open its easier to look for any signs of abuse if the kiss, cuddle and hold hands in breaks like anyone else.


Heard many of these ended up with marriage and kids and happy ever after once everyone else butted out and left them alone. One case was at least 19 year of marriage and 3 kids.

And the girl was noted for being no silly manipulatiable girl.

used to travelling and both were freinds first, both lonely.

Why get so fussed with YOUNG ie not 50 teachers 6th form ie over 16 student relationships. Some get married?windows messenger

I believe that the state has no place in interfering with heterosexual relationships between physically mature couples. Nature determines when boys and girls are sexually mature; this should determine the age of consent rather than a law that has its origin in the Victorian era.

Why get so fussed with YOUNG ie not 50 teachers 6th form ie over 16 student relationships. Some get married?microsoft works internet explorer

Right, got that. Obviously not English teachers then.
I'm lost. Are you trying to say that it is okay for a teacher and a young student to be intimate? No way am I going to click one of those links. I dont believe in stoning children or women or men for that matter to death. Especially not children who alot of times suffer for the adult.

Well all I am saying is that I do not believe in a grown man or woman being with a child. I dont see this as being in love with one another. I see it as criminal on the adults part. Sorry but its my opinion.

I dont understand adults who think of children in a sexual way or think they can have some sort of relationship with them that is intended for adults only. At least with doctor/nurse those individuals are adults. What does a 13 year old girl really know? How has she matured enough to understand an honest relationship? Are we pushing the children of the world to grow up too fast? I have a daughter who will be 13 soon and I do not want my daughter being looked at in a sexual way by some teacher. Teachers are supposed to be a figure of trust. If they betray that trust then who can children expect to turn to at school? Will they be leary of all adult figures? I would think so. If we allowed adults to be with 13 year old children then what? We already have sick people in this world raping and molesting mere babies.

All I know is that the laws were set and we should all try to follow them regarding children especially. Granted there are horrific cases of abuse all over the world and that issue also needs addressed and something done. Children are the innocents and need protection from people who want to hurt them. Now I am not saying that a 16 year old and an 18 year old being together is a abuse. But I am saying that I do not think a 20+ year old man has any business being with a 16 year old. If this supposed man really loved this girl could he not wait and give her time to grow? In most cases the adult realizes that its wrong. I feel like I am repeating myself here. I voiced my opinion.
u no maybe if u wernt an idiot u mite find an answer
The reason for these rules is for the protection of the students. Now I'm not saying that ALL 16+ y/o are at risk from being seduced by their teachers, but some are. You can't have one rule for some and one for others.

Teachers are in a position of trust, they are supposed to be responsible. By becoming romantically involved with a student they are abusing that trust.

If they have genuinely strong feelings for each other then they should wait until the student has completed their education.

My answer is below, if you care to read it. I had a closer at the list of answers you've previously given to other questions, as per your profile. I must say that I am disturbed by the high positive correlation between 14yo questioners and the sexual advice that you give. I can see the strong general theme of teenage sex that you respond to on here.

I have reported you under the category of Child Protection to yahoo, on suspicions of being a UK Teacher who is interested in persuing sexual relationships with your female students.

You know that you know better. And you know that your sexual intentions towards students are those of a fithy low-life pedophile. Seek help before you destroy the lives of children and your own career. They don't treat your kind well in prisons.


The big deal is because teachers are there to teach and not to date students. Of course they end up being the victim of crushes, such is the nature of high school, but dating a student compromises their authority and respect as a role model for students.

Additionally, teachers have already been through high school and college. They have dated seriously many more times than 16 year olds. Those 5 years after high school are the most rapidly forming for teenagers becoming adults. In terms of social and psychological maturrity, the age gap between a 16 year old and a 21 year old around 3 times greater than that between a 21 yr old and a 26yr old.

Despite being 'mature teenagers', they are still in school, still live with and depend on their parents, and are still considered as 'kids' to normal adults who have experienced the real world and the challenges that independence and growing up presents.

Teenagers understand this age difference. Which is why exceptionally smart 16 year olds don't teach high school with any success - an age gap is needed before students respect a teacher as being wiser than they are.

Students rely on teachers to be smarter than they are but also to know more about the realities of life. When a student dates a teacher, they are sending a message to other students that teenagers don't need to take their younger teachers so seriously in class. They think that they know as much as the teacher does, and when this happens the students are less likely to learn.

If the relationship is as strong as you describe, then the teacher should at least give the student enough respect to let them finish their studies and get out into the real world until they persue a romantic relationship together. Being lonely is a good excuse to stay friends, but certainly no excuse for abusing a high-trust relationship too fast and too soon.

If the teacher is properly qualified, they should have learnt all of this in college.

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